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Текст Раскадровки

  • Act 4, Scene 4
  • To tell the truth were fighting to win a little patch of ground that not worth anything
  • This is what happens when countries have too much money and peace
  • Act 4 scene 5
  • How are you doing, my pretty lady.
  • My lord, look at this poor girl
  • covered with sweet flowers which did not fall to the ground.
  • Act 4 Scene 5
  • he's dead
  • but the King didn't kill him
  • wheres my father?
  • In Act 4 Scene 4 Fortibras enters with an army and a captain, who he sends to ask permission to move his troops across Demark. Then the captain and Hamlet are talking about how a war is a waste of time because it is a small pointless piece of land. Hamlet later reasons with himself to expedite his revenge and have all thoughts nonviolent as pointless.
  • Act 4 Scene 6
  • who are the people who want to speak with me
  • In Act 4 Scene 5 the king and queen speak to Ophelia because she is acting crazy. The reason Ophelia has gone crazy is because of the loss of her father and hamlet saying he doesn’t t love her. The king and Queen seeing this wanted to help her.
  • Act 4 Scene 7
  • how could you ask?
  • Laertes did you love your father? or is your grief just an illusion a mere painting of sorrow
  • In Act 4 Scene 5, leartes comes storming in with a lot of angry men who think the king is guilty of murder. Which then Laertes comes in to confront the king of his father's murderer. Instead of finding out there and seeing how crazy his sister has become. And Claudius creates a compromise to try and calm Laertes and tell him the truth of his fathers death.
  • Act 4 Scene 7
  • so she drowned
  • drowned drowned
  • Let's follow him Gertrude, I worked so hard to calm him down and now I'm worried hes getting all excited again. Let's follow him
  • In Act 4 Scene 6 Horatio is seen talking to a servant about Salior wanting to speak to Horatio. The sailor hands a letter to Horatio from Hamlet stating that he is still in Denmark. However, the letter shows that on the way to England Hamlet was kidnapped, leaving Guildenstern and Rosencrantz, and telling Horatio to meet at some point.
  • Salior's Sir they say they have letters for you
  • In act 4 Scene 7 The King is talking to Laertes trying to calm him down after storming into the castle ready to kill the King. The reason he stormed in is because of his fathers death, but the King lets him know that the person who killed laertes' father was Hamlet. The King tells Laertes he has a plan to kill Hamlet with a duo between laertes and Hamlet and they both talk about a plan.
  • In act 4 scene 7 King Claudius and laertes are talking about how they plan to kill hamlet but then get interrupted by the queen. The Queen breaks the news that Ophelia has drowned. This news cause laertes to become distraught and the king gets angry because he had just got laertes to calm down.
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