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Newtons first law of motion
Newtons third law of motion
Newtons first law of motion
Newtons second law of motion
Newtons third law of motion
An illustration of Newton's first law, which states that unless an unbalanced force acts on an item, it remains at rest or in motion.
An example of Newton's second law, which states that a larger mass requires more force to accelerate, may be found here. The formula for calculating an image's force is mass x acceleration = force.
When a force exerts itself on an item, it is referred to as both an action and a response. For every action, there is an equal and opposite response.
The car is motion less now that it has been acted upon by and unbalanced force which is the wall
The boxes are very heavy because of the mass if you wanted to find the force you have to use to be able to push the boxes you would have to do mass x acceleration
The boat is moving forwards because the family is using the paddles to push the water which makes the boat move
ugh,why is this so heavy
ugh,why is this so heavy