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Feminism - Research Topic

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Feminism - Research Topic
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  • Introduction
  • " When you say that you don’t think you need feminism you are either saying that these things don’t happen, or that they don’t matter " , says writer Ghazeleh Golbakhsh to young women ,
  •  "My point is this, when you are treated as lesser than another, you can be treated as badly as someone wants. You are not on the same playing field and you are not seen as an equal. Feminism is all about gaining respect. It has always been about that. "
  • Narration
  • " Some opponents of feminism believe it exists as a means for women to justify what they see as immoral behavior, whether that is style of dress, choice of profession, or violation of socially-defined sexual mores. While this may be the goal of some feminists, it is not the primary aim of feminism in general " says K12 on the topic of teaching feminism to kids .
  • Confirmation - Novel
  • “In the event of snow, you must make sure you use a good shovel. You must dig deep; you cannot be lazy. You cannot cut corners. Of course, it is easier to wait for the warmest part of the day, when—” (Zusak , 78)
  • Today's Objective : Reading Out Loud
  • Feminists should continue to fight for equality for everyone. 
  • Confirmation - Research
  • " When asked which gender they believe “has it harder” in America, the most common answer was “men and women both have it hard in their own ways,” with 39% of people choosing this response" (youth gov).
  • " feminism : 1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. 2: : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests " , the definition of feminism is constantly overlooked. For years , the stretched version of feminism has been discriminated against by many, however, strong leaders and role models -- such as Emma Watson or Ghazeleh Golbaksh -- have built up on the foundation that will settle the argument of equality for good.
  • Concession / Refutation
  •  " But the problem is, once you’ve got a group of people together, organized for a single purpose, achieving political leverage and adopting power, building institutions and careers for themselves, all sorts of bad human tendencies start to take over (Manson on the topic of Feminism ) .
  • A female learning back then would be laughed at for being wrong , humiliated even . A male , however , would be praised for attempting. "In the break, she was taunted. A boy named Ludwig Schmeikl came up to her with a book. “Hey, Liesel,” hesaid to her, “I’m having trouble with this word. Could you read it for me?” He laughed—a ten-year-old, smugness laughter " ( Zusak , 78 )
  • Conclusion
  • " Equality for all !" 
  •  Feminism over the years is growing at a slow rate , but it steadily on the rise. 38% of females in the United States would consider themselves feminists , the rate fluctuating because of how feminists are viewed. 48% of non-feminists would argue that "feminists are too extreme " , a 2018 poll shows. 
  • "Due to lack of education on feminism, there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who believe that the goal of feminists goal is unrealistic and discriminates against men " (buddy speech). All of us, including men, need to help create a voice for every single human on this earth.
  • Imagine a world where men everywhere dream of becoming the first male leader of their nation.{...} they are perceived as weak to a majority of the world. Now, imagine a world where the same thing I just said happens, but to women instead. That world is the one we’re currently living in. ( a speech about feminism , buddy project)
  • " The principle of self-government cannot be violated with impunity. The individual's right to it is sacred - regardless of class, caste, race, color, sex or any other accident or incident of birth " (Susan B. Anthony) spoke on the topic of women's rights , strengthening the female's minds to allow them to continue the fight for rights , leading to the creation of feminism. Susan worded the speech in such a way that seems to qualify every single woman , every race and every age to believe that women can do more.
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