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  • Hamartia
  • In the story, " A million Little peices", Lilly has a horrible drug and alchohol addiction. This is her fatal flaw because this starts her downfall by her getting sent to the Rehab center
  • I do not want to go to rehab, I am fine. I do not have any drinking problems and I have it under control
  • Lilly you need to go, your life is in a horrible state
  • Hubris
  • The hubris in this story is that Lilly thinks she doesn't need rehab and complains all the time and doesn't believe in herself that she can recover
  • I don't need to be here at all, I will be stuck living my life horribly for the rest of it
  • Lilly we are here to help you. We want to heal your problems and help you free yourself
  • Perpitia
  • The perpitia or turning point in this story is when she meets James, James gives her a new sense of hope and she starts to actually try and get better
  • Oh my Gosh!, James is my outlet I love being with him
  • Catharsisis
  • The Catharsisis is when Lilly commits suicide after being sent back to the rehab center and realized she will never escape her horrible life
  • I just can't do this anymore, the world is going to be a better place without me. I'm just going to end it all so james doesn't ever have to deal with me
  • nemesis
  • The Nemesis is when Lilly gets hooked back on drugs after leaving the rehab center and is forced to do horrible stuff by men
  • Lilly you are going to take these drugs and you are going to obey me.
  • Anagnorisis
  • I just can't do this anymore James, I need my drugs and Alcohol 
  • The Anagnorsisis is when Lilly realizes that she needs drugs when her Grandma passes away and leaves the rehab center
  • Lilly please don't leave the rehab center, we need you here, you can get better
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