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communication skills comic.

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communication skills comic.
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Текст Раскадровки

  • well then I don't hear you say it because you like to lie a lot
  • you never give me a break not fair.
  • yes i always tell you to take a break don't be mad at me for something I did not do
  • do not call me a liar I have always been nice to you
  • where I am and what I do when I'm not here does not concern you
  • I'm not calling you a liar I'm saying you never say these things when I'm not here.
  • it is not my fault you are never here where were you anyway??
  • you need to lower your tone with me I'm the one in charge here.
  • you are not the boss of me!!
  • do not tell me what to do.
  • but I can tell you anything after all I'm your manager
  • but I am your manager so be careful.
  • still not the boss of me.
  • do not turn your back on me young lady
  • I'm more than your boss here I'm in charge.
  • you are being really rude and you need to stop
  • do not call me young lady I have a name
  • i could care less what your name is
  • do not tell me what to do I can do many thing you will not expect.
  • okay well good bye now I can be left alone and be happy and not have you around byeeee!
  • or else what are you going to fire me because if that is the case do it I need a break from you anyway.
  • I have the right to fire you anyway so you're fired get out now
  • I'm sorry I was just being rude and the anger was doing the talking im sorry
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