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Classifying the Best Cook

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Classifying the Best Cook
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  • So... I was planning on signing up for that cook off event next week.
  • In the cafeteria...
  • Me too! I know its going to be so much fun!
  • At home in Georges room....
  • Why is it so hard think!..........Wait I have an idea!
  • Hm. I need to think of recipes and ways I can create dishes, especially the one I'm really hoping to make.
  • The next day......
  • On the weekend.....
  • This is great, I finally have recipes I can use to make things with.
  • I hope this works out. Ugh! Now I'm getting a bit nervous
  • In the morning at Westleave high school a group of students were planning on making a cook off event to find the best cooks at the school to be able to join the new cooking club. George and his friend Cara were planning on attending this event to see if they qualify for this cooking club. They went to the cafeteria to sign up, not knowing the challenges they would have to face.
  • *whispers*
  • Next week- in Westleave high school gym.....
  • Welll, Well, Well!. If it isn't George and his one man back up crew. I CANT BELEIVE YOU GUYS SIGNED UP FOR THIS!
  • *whispers*
  • I wonder what she's trying to do. 
  • As they were on the bus, they were discussing some things they wanted to make. George was really looking forward to making his dream dish; Lemon-cheese pie which was something he was looking forward to making and this event gave him the opportunity to do that. He didn't think his cooking was the best but it was something he knew he enjoyed doing. As he got off the bus he went home to think of dishes he could make for the event and things he can do to make it easier for him to remember the recipes.
  • ACHOO!
  • Here George, use this cloth.
  • *In shock*
  • Hmm....I guess he can cook but, he won't be ready for what I'm going to do next.
  • How does that make any sense? I remember putting pepper and salt in the tomato sauce.
  • For the whole weekend, George was trying to find recipes and ways he can incorporate his own learning and cooking styles for the cook off next week. He didn't have much time but by watching cooking videos, listening to cooking podcasts and noting down the ingredients his mom was explaining to him while she was cooking , he finally gathered enough knowledge and recipes for the cooking event. He also put the recipes in a song/rap so he wouldn't forget it which was something he casually did to remember things. The only problem was he didn't know if his strategies would work, go as planned or if he would mess up any of the recipes.
  • That's strange because George is good at making pizza things. Hmm....I don't trust her plan, I think I know what she is trying to do *GASPS*BE SNEEKY AND MESS US UP!
  • It's ok George
  • Yeah better luck next time
  • It was finally the week of the cook off event and everyone was excited. George gathered information in the best ways he can learn so he wasn't and didn't look as worried. Suddenly George and Cara overheard whispers from the watching crowd saying how the judge had specific dishes they wanted contestants to make which was a big problem for both of them and the others. No one was really worried or intimidated until they found out who the student running this event was. Her name was Vivian; one of the schools top students, who competed in cooking competitions, won from other schools events and contests and now wanted to create a team of the best cooks at the high school to compete as a group. Her and George have a very complicated history considering that they once were close until Vivian saw him as a rival and no one knows why. Who knew if her intentions would be bad or good.
  • Well, good luck I guess, because you're going to need it.
  • The event has begun! It was time for the competitors to put on their aprons and start their first dish. The first round was to make pizza using any toppings of their choice in 50 minutes. George wasn't as confident as he was earlier but still wanted to do his best so he can qualify for the cooking club with his friend Cara. He remembered making a song for a pizza pocket recipe and thought it would be similar to an actual pizza. He also had to be conscious of the time and luckily brought a watch he always kept with him so he was well prepared. Vivian on the other hand was trying to sabotage the competitors, especially George. As they were in cooking mode, Vivian purposely blows pepper in Georges face making him sneeze creating a big mess. It wasn't yet over for him because help came from his trusted friend Cara.
  • Oops, sorry didn't mean to rub that off in your face.
  • The first round was over and now it was time for the taste test. Vivian tasted all the competitors pizzas. She was pretty honest with the other competitors saying their pizzas were "ok", but when it came to George she didn't sound very honest. She tried to exaggerate and more so lie about how Georges pizza tasted even though she knew it was the best tasting pizza there. Thinking no one would catch on to what she was doing someone eventually did.
  • What is this! This pizza has absolutely no taste! Better do well in the next round.
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