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Othello Act 2 - Storyboard 1

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Othello Act 2 - Storyboard 1
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Текст Раскадровки

  • A Spot of Luck
  • Is that... yes! Attention everyone, Cassio and his squad are back!
  • Hello there Governor!
  • Does Othello have enough men and equipment?
  • Yes I think he was given plenty of men and swords.
  • Gender Stereotypes and Other Sins
  • As they will with the men of the camp - isn't that right Emilia?
  • Do make yourselves at home in our humble camp ladies
  • Come now Iago! We all know are not this uncouth!
  • The Return of the Moor
  • Goodnight gentle ladies
  • Oh Michael, you flatter us with your benevolent heart!
  • Michael, Iago? Is that you I see?
  • Othello, a Cuckold in the Making
  • Come now Roderigo, have faith in your truest friend Iago. You can trust that I will get you and Desdemona together if you simply follow my plan and provoke Cassio, so that you may replace him in Desdemona's heart!
  • Did you see that Roderigo? Of course not, you were not near and you are not at all perceptive. Cassio and Desdemona just kissed! She will eventually tire of that Moor and shall elope with Michael!
  • He kissed her HAND, and you suspect her of cheating. Honestly Iago, I feel like I am chasing a Vietcong through the jungle by following your plan.
  • The Bewitching Ballad of Honest Iago
  • *Sigh* Iago, you've outdone yourself. I've played these people like the strings of a fiddle they are. Now I just need to guide ol' Cassio right into Desdemona's arms. If I get him drunk, he'll probably be too intoxicated to think straight. He shall lose his rank and status while I soar up in approval from Othello. Then, I will use Cassio like a wedge to drive apart the 'lovely' couple. the lion shall scare away the mating buck and thus prevent their joys of fornication!
  • An Announcement of Fleeting Joy
  • The Vietcong outpost has been defeated, albeit by the hands of a vicious mudslide that ravaged their camp. However there is still means for celebration. Enjoy yourselves everyone, and don't forget about Emilia's special roast boar tonight!Now Desdemona, you would you like to take a trip back to my quarters?
  • Why certainly my love, make sure to revel me in your newest escapade as well darling!
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