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My pasado

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My pasado
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  • I was born on January 30, 2001 in Concepción Santander I was received by mygrandparents and I am the first granddaughter for which happiness was greater,I grew up in a humble home and with many values ​​in the municipality ofConcepción I have spent most of my lifetime.
  • A significant experience was when in my school I was able to belong to themarching band group since I always wanted it, but because of my age I could notaccess it, it was then in 2013 when I started with the musical instrument thelyre which I liked a lot. , an important memory of that stage was when we gotthe first place in the departmental band stop that day it was very cool.
  • Finally, a very attractive trip was to Guican Boyacá with my colleaguesfrom complementary training because I got to know very beautiful naturallandscapes and we shared experiences of teaching practices with colleagues fromother institutions.
  • Another significant moment in my life has been the birth of my brother inOctober 2016 when he was 13 years old in Málaga Santander, because I alwayswanted to have a company of brothers and it has been emotional to see him growand share each stage of life with him.
  • One more stage of my very special life was when I received the title ofsuperior normalista that I started in 2018 and that despite variousdifficulties and obstacles I was able to finish it in 2019 in a verysatisfactory way.
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