This biography doesn't have generic story steps (Exposition, rising action climax, etc.) So like you said I did the most important steps in the story in spots instead.
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We must go to Lahore, the land here is poor and we need to raise our daughter well.
We shall go...
We are a happy family!
Baby Nur Jhan was born in Kandahar, but her dad moved for work as he got employed by the Emperor (leader) of the Mughals, so they went.
Bye dad
Nur Jhan ended up marrying the ruler's son Jahangir and became his favorite of 21 wive. Jahangir soon became emperor, so she had lots of power making her the empress. It was said that she once killed 6 tigers with only 4 shots!
Nur Jahan and Jahangir were a happy family, they were of high royalty! They had a daughter of their own. But there was a problem...
Nur Jhan and her daughter had to say goodbye to Jahangir, he was leaving Nur Jhan A WOMAN in charge of watching over the empire which was unheard of! This is because Jahangir needed to go to war. She would have to defend the empire.
She had to lead a war to defend their empire while her husband was gone. they came out successful!