YEA YEA, I Know already you saw me on the news as The 16 year old being charged with murder. But let me explain why I did what Did, It all started 6 months ago
Aye I saw you on the news you're that 16 year old...
The Backstory
The Fact he's 16 and has a murder charge. Puts my little fraud reputation to shame. SMH
Meeting Bree
Where is my lip gloss. Like on my momma I had it in here
Meeting Ronnie
This just got me heated fr cause where is it like I just had it
Aye Bree
Asking the girl out
Hey Ronnie what's pooppin
Ron: Aye I saw what you posted on your close friends last night, you and AJ really done or y'all on break agian Bree : Nah we done can't be with somebody who doesn't respect me.
What's Good.
Well anyway I got to get to class before I'm late lol text me your # on Instagram.
Giving her the Number
Ronnie: Well in that case then I'll like to take you out some time, maybe Friday Bree: You Know what I need some new energy in my life
Bet. See you later
Telling The friends
I wish everybody knows I hate MS.JACKSON.
For the last time. Three ladies in the back turn around.
About time y'all got here thought y'all where goin skip without me.
Lexi be fr if I was goin skip i would've just stayed home.
Everybody's age
UHHHHHH My brother was 18 and is a senior. Bree, Lexi, and Jaz are 17 and are juniors and AJ is 19 and is a super senior, he got held back at least twice.
Hold up not to cut you off but how old is everybody, and are they in high school ?
Is it about the fight between. KyKy and Nikki.
The friends getting excited
Those who want to learn face up here
Why is she always bothering us. Anyway I got news for y'all
The friends reaction
SOOOO. You really over my brother that quick. Where you cheating the whole time like, I thought y'all had love.
Dragon breath tall Ronnie. Ew what's wrong with you, are you trolling us or you serious.
No they didn't even fight. But what I wanted to tell you was that Ronnie just asked me out and I was like sure
In this scene, 16-year-old Donald Mccloud aka Dj is introduced to his new cellmate, Terry. Terry is in prison for fraud, scamming, and unpaid taxes to the IRS
The Fallout
First off who are you screaming at? Second off he broke up with me so did he even love me.
DJ is explaining to his cellmate why he committed the murder and how all the drama started between, his older brother Ronnie and fellow student AJ.
Meeting AJ
I low key might ask Kashy to go to the Halloween party Chris throwing at his house
This scene is a flashback of how Bree and Ronald begin there talking stage.
AJ finding out
AJ: Jaz what are you doing here. Jaz: AJ shut up. But what I need to tell you is you know, tall, stank breath Ronnie? AJ: Yea he's in my GYM class What about em.
Bree is still upset she can't find her lip gloss, and Ronnie takes advantage and uses this as an opportunity to ask Bree out.
AJ Getting upset
AJ: Are you serious, is she really dating that stank breath dude. Jaz: She just said it. But tbh she only with him to make you jealous.
Bree and Ronnie chop it up. Ronnie then takes it a step further and asks if she and AJ are still a thing, or if are they just on a break.
AJ and Ronnie meet
AJ: Stink Breath Ronnie: Bro come on now super senior it's getting old AJ: No what's getting old is you trying to get with everybody girl right after they broke up.
Ronnie asks Bree. After wards, they say their good byes and head to class.
The Argument
Ight bet keep that same energy On My Soul
Bree and her two friends Lexi (the girl in the middle) and Jaz who is also AJ's little sister; are in class talking about why they are late to Ms.Jackson's Math class.
AJ calls out Bree Pt 1/2
Bree I need to talk to you real quick.
Terry was confused about the age of the people involved in why DJ was in prison.
AJ calls out Bree 2/2
Bree: OMG what AJ?AJ: So you really going to do me like that after 3 years. I thought we was going to gt back to together like we always do.
Bree is getting ready to tell her friends about what happened between Ronnie and her.
Stealing the phone
Bree tells Lexi, and Jaz about how Ronnie asked her out, but Jaz wasn't feeling the fact that Bree moved on from her brother AJ so quickly.
The Message
Ronnie Bree: We should have dinner tonight at Lorens Steakhouse. Ronnie: Ok that's fine meet you at 8
Towards the end of class, Bree and Jaz get into a heated argument because Jaz feels as if Bree doesn't care about her brother's feelings.
He's not he was actually really sad that y'all broke up and was, planning on making up with you today.
Right cause it's not that deep tbh, and you acting like AJ probably not talking to somebody else.
Right before GYM AJ decides to go to the restroom to wash his hands, someone suddenly comes in yelling his name, claiming they must tell him something.
AJ I got to tell you something
Jaz tells AJ about how Ronnie asked Bree out on a date right after AJ broke up with her the night before.
He just asked out Bree and she said yea talking about some she needs new energy in her life girl please.
Jaz and AJ are talking about why they think, Bree and Ronnie would date each other.
Why would anybody be be jealous of him. His breath smells like a jaw of poop mixed with bag full of quarters
I'm weak well i got to get to class see you at lunch ig.
First of all, why are you saying it as if the break was a mutual thing. You broke up with her for Deja wbk it's true but tbh I don't care how you feel
AJ: Confronts Ronnie about him talking to Bree.
Like it's getting tired fr, on my soul. Me and Bree just broke up last night and your already trying to get with her. It's seems as if you was waiting or something.
AJ and Ronnine got into a heated argument over AJ feeling that Ronnie waits till couples break up to try to get with the girl.
I will because what are you goin do, nothing like your walking away . If I was Johnny you would've fought me just saying
AJ is on his way to confront Bree.
AJ and Bree get into a heated argument because AJ is salty that Bree is moving on.
No I told before the next you call it quits on me we are done for real nobody is bout to keep playing with you
I mean he came up to me first so it is what it is
Mannnn but with Ronnie tho
While they arguing AJ snatched Bree's phone out of her hand and ran with it
AJ runs into the boy's restroom with Bree's phone and texts Ronnie to set him up.
The Lie
Here, it was locked anyways.
Getting permission 1/2
Hey Ma, how's your day? I have a date tonight at Loren's Steak House.Can I go.
Getting permission 2/2
Um, I doing good and I guess you go but make sure you be careful because there has been a lot of shootings going on downtown LA
Sign not to go 1/2
Dang where did I put those car keys
Sign not to go 2/2
Set up for the kill 1/2
Hello, Bree I've been here at Loren's for about 10 mintues are you still coming?.
What, I never said I was meeting you at Loren's. But I'm otw.
Set up for the kill 2/3
Didn't I tell you i was going to catch you thought you was getting steak huh .
Set up for the kill 3/3
Bree finding Ronnie
My date named Ronnie Simmons has been shot and killed outside of Loren's Steak House.
911 how may we help u
Mother's baby is gone
He's been shot.
Sob Sob, Is this Ronnie moms
Yes This she what's wrong
AJ gives Bree her phone back after setting up a dinner with Ronnie.
Little Brother finding out 1/2
MA are you ok what happened .
Ronnie makes it home from school and right away asks his mom can he go out with Bree.
Little Brother finding out 2/2
Maxine ( Mom) says it's fine and that Ronnie can go on the date with Bree but she warns him about shootings going on in the area.
Wanting Revenge
Ronnie is dressed for his date with Bree all he needs now is his car keys.
The Kill
Hello, yea Jazz I did I can't even process what happened because of how fast my heart is going
Ronnie is having trouble getting his car to start.
Got The Target.
The park is my comfort spot. Just like-
After waiting for about ten minutes Ronnie decides to call Bree because he's tired of waiting.
Turning over
Once Ronnie gets off the phone with Bree, AJ creeps up and let's it be known that he set up Ronnie.
The Phone Call
Once AJ shoots Ronnie he makes a run for it before anybody comes to see what's going on.
The Phone Call 2/2
Once Bree pulls up to the steak house she sees Ronnie's lifeless body she calls 911, to tell them what happened.
Bree Calls Ronnie's mom and lets her know, what happened to her son Ronnie.
Maxine tells Dj about what happened to Ronald.
No baby I'm not ok your brother Ronnie has been shot by somebody who would do such a thing.
Once Maxine tell DJ what happened DJ already knows who did it and why they did it.
I know exactly who did it and why they did it.
DJ is plotting his revenge on his brother's killer AJ.
Good. But are you at the park because every time you do a drill you always run to the park afterwards LOL.
After AJ leaves the scene he runs to the park and calls his sister.
Perfect I knew he'd be here he always runs to the park once he does a drill. Like a dummy
DJ takes his moment and shoots AJ twice in the chest and once in the leg.
After DJ kills AJ he turns himself in because he doesn't want to be next to get got .
While Maxine is still hurt over the death of her son, she gets a phone call from LA county Jail.
Hi this is LA county Jail, is this Maxine Simmons.
Your son has been charged with first degree murder and has been sent to prison.
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