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s africa revolution

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s africa revolution
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  • By: Sophia Brodowski
  • TheSouth AfricanRevolution
  • Acceptance
  • don't you hate it how we have low paying jobs
  • I agree and I think the Afrikaners are trying to control us.
  • get back to work
  • this restaurant is for non colored people only
  • Complaining
  • Protest
  • Hendrick Verwoerd had affirmed that South Africa is a republic and the colored people had to accept that they were not getting treated equal.
  • Revolution
  • *gun shot noises*
  • The colored people realized they weren't being treated equal and the apartheid was a segregation between the different races. The Southern Africans didn't like how they were being treated and this is similar to the Jim Crow Laws.
  • Recovery
  • meet your new president De Klerk
  • The colored people of South Africa finally took a stand and too get what they wanted was to be equal and to get rid of apartheid. One of the biggest groups that organized the protests were the ANC.
  • At this point things were taken to the next level when violence got involved. In 1960 a peaceful protest was going on and the police had shot innocent people to stop people from protesting anymore. Around 60+ people had been killed.
  • Mandela and De Klerk worked together to give the people of South Africa freedom and finally get rid of apartheid laws. The laws they created included giving the white and colored people equal education,
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