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Decision Making Comic Strip

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Decision Making Comic Strip
Storyboard That

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Описание Раскадровки

This is a scenario where I have to make a decision of what clothes to wear for the day. I have to list the choices and the consequences

Текст Раскадровки

  • What should I wear today?
  • I can wear either wear formal, casual, pajamas, or stay in the same clothes I have right now
  • I am not going anywhere, no one is coming over, but I have to turn on my camera for school today.
  • For those reasons I think it is best to wear casual clothes
  • If I wear casual clothes I might regret it because it might not be as comfortable as pajamas and I will not look that as good during online school if I had chosen more formal clothes to wear
  • It was a good thing that I chose regular clothes because they are a good inbetween between conformable and good looking
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