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The birth of aphrodite

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The birth of aphrodite
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Текст Раскадровки

  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • Raising Action
  • Long time ago, the god Uranus and Gaia, his wife, had a son named Cronus.
  • Climax
  • As the years passed, Uranus and Gaia had problems. Those that led them to have several fights, which over time got worse.
  • Falling Action
  • Gaia was desperate and wanted to protect her son. So when he was the right age she gave him a stone sickle, so that he could kill his father.
  • Ending
  • Cronus with all his bravery goes to where his father was, and thinking of the good of his mother, he killed him.
  • Uranus's god blood fell into the ocean, causing the water to move from side to side.
  • From the water, a beautiful woman emerged. Her name was Aphrodite, and she was the goddess of love and beauty.
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