(all witches) Come, high or low;Thyself and office deftly show!
Thunder. FIRST APPARITION : an armed head
May the unknown power tell me.
He can read your thoughts. Listen, but don’t speak.
Whatever you are I thank you for the warning, you've described everything I fear. But one word more-
Macbeth! Beware of Macduff.Beware the thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough. ( The first apparition descends)
Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth!
You cannot command him, here's another apparition stronger than the first.
I'm listening to you with all my abilities.
You need to be violent and bold, the power of other men cannot harm you because no man born from a woman will ever harm you. ( the second apparition descends)
I don't need to kill Macduff, there's nothing to fear. But I will anyways so I can sleep at night in peace.
Thunder. THIRD APPARITION : a child crowned, with a tree in his hand