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Текст Раскадровки

  • Trenchant vigorous or incisive in expression or style a weapon or tool having a sharp edge Sam's trenchant wit made him a popular speaker at conservative fundraisers.
  • Declamation The action or art of declaiming a rhetorical exercise or set speech Forthright or distinct projection of words set to music Luci received first prize for declamation in sophomore year.
  • Consternation Feelings of anxiety or dismay typically at something unexpected. Dean's consternation for heights is all because of a plane accident he witnessed on live televison
  • Appropriated Take something for ones own use typically without the owners permission. devote money to a special purpose. Cas appropriated to the animal shelter
  • Presentiment an intuitive feeling about the future As soon as charlie had a presentment of danger she decided agianst going into the dark house alone.
  • Spasmodic occurring or done in brief irregular bursts Hopefully the medicine will control the number of spasmodic outbursts Kevin has in class.
  • Commiserating  express or feel sympathy or pity sympathize feel show or express pity for someone Until you have walked in his shoes you cannot commiserate with him.
  • Omnipotent having unlimited power able to do anything Uriel likes to believe he is omnipotent in our household.
  • Imperiously something done in an overbearing way or with a feeling of superiority When Naomi got promoted to the rank captain she became very imperious.
  • Apprehension anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen With all the sugar that Gabe ate he was apprehensive about getting cavities.
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