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Avaneesh : Colonial VA Farmers comic strip

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Avaneesh : Colonial VA Farmers comic strip
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Текст Раскадровки

  • I am Jack, I am a farmer who supports my small family of 4. We chose to live here because the weather was nice which made it easy to plant crops.
  • I wake up early in the morning to plant crops and water plants. Farmers needed to take advantage of every minute of daylight to get their work complete. So, have quick breakfast and go to work.
  • We help daddy with some chores at the farm and pick the crops
  • I stay at the house and take care of childrens and households and also help grow crops in the field.
  • I have some animals on the farm like pigs , turkey cow & ox to help me at farm.
  • we work really hard to harvest the crops and to live happy.
Создано более 30 миллионов раскадровок