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To Kill a MockingBird

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To Kill a MockingBird
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Текст Раскадровки

  • The Trail of Tom Robinson
  • Dill meeting Mr.Raymond
  • Atticus
  • Rather than focusing on the evidence throughout Tom Robinson's cross-examination, Mr. Gilmer was nasty and derogatory to him.
  • Calpurnia
  • Dill ran out of the courtroom crying, feeling they were being cruel to Tom, and it was there that Dill and Scout saw Mr. Raymond, the town's "alcoholic," who offered him a soda. He said how he appears to be intoxicated so that people will tolerate his behavior when it comes to him having mixed children.
  • Social Class
  • I believe Atticus represents a mockingbird because he does not judge others and instead provides an opportunity because he is not in their shoes.
  • Bravery
  • A mockingbird is represented by Calpurnia. She is not only a chef or a maid, but also a member of the Finch family. She is the closest Jem and Scout have to a mother.
  • When Scout asks if she can invite Walter over to their house but Aunt Alexandra no because he's "trash" and the Finch women dont associate with that.
  • As punishment for ruining Ms.Dubose’s flowers, Jem had to read to her for two hours a day for a month. She used Jem's reading to her as a distraction from the pain until she was able to wean herself off morphine.
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