My name is Gouri Sitaram and the meaning of “Gouri” is pure and white. My name came from a religious book, in Guyana we say, “Book Name”. My religion is Hinduism and choosing a name from our religious book at birth is part of our tradition. My grandmother from my father’s side, has a similar name to mine but spelt differently. Her name is Gauri, and it’s almost the same as my name; Gouri.Some people mispronounce my name and say, “Glory”, “Cory”, “Gloria”, some kids want to be funny and call me “Dory”, from Finding Nemo. I’ve had an adult ask me if my name meant blood, but at first, I was very confused until I searched up “Gory” and saw the meaning. My name sounds the same as “Gory” but means something completely different.
Octopus Tag
When I was in third grade, about seven or eight years old, there would be a game that I would play with my neighbors mostly everyday after school. There were a bunch kids from around my area that would come out to play with me, my brother, and our cousins. There were times where we wouldn’t do our homework, as soon as we came home, we went straight outside in the yard to play.Our grandmother would usually yell at us to come inside the house because we would play outside until like 12 in the night. The game Octopus Tag was a game we would always play together, and it was my favorite game because everyone would never say no when asked to play. It was the one game that we all enjoyed and sometimes we would add our own rules into it to make it more fun and competitive.
The Time I Got In Trouble
Throughout my life growing up in a Guyanese household, girl children are not supposed to act a certain way, wear makeup, and hang out with too many boys. My grandmother would tell me that it was not proper. I was in 7th grade, and I decided that I wanted to put on mascara and eyeliner to school. I saw few of the girls at school put on makeup and I wanted to try it. So right before school, I applied the mascara and eyeliner and left. When I got to school, I was getting compliments and it made me feel nice. After school, when I got home, I washed my hands and found something to eat. While I was eating, my mom had come home from work, and I stopped what I was doing to greet her and then she saw the makeup. I forgot that I had makeup on because I do not wear it often. My mother was furious at me, and I got in trouble.
When I was in 8th grade, I was in class 823, which was considered SP. SP are groups of classes that are filled with high academic achievers; students that were intelligent. There was 821, 822, and 823 that fell under SP classes. The highest achievers within the three classes were placed in 821 and the lowest highest achievers were placed in 823. These three classes were being taught high school subjects in a middle school. In the middle of the school year, students were being moved from classes to place them in a class that fits their academic learning abilities. I got moved from class 823 to 822 and I was very happy because it showed that I really worked hard to move up to a higher classroom.
A Positive Story From School
It was a hot Saturday, and I was on my way to work.When I got to work, I greeted all my coworkers and was getting ready to start my shift. A week ago, I had applied for a Head Cashier/Line Manager position at my job and was interviewed. As I was walking to my register, the manager called for me and asked me to speak with him for a minute. I was scared at the moment because I thought I was going to get in trouble. He told me that the interview went great and that I got promoted for the Head Cashier/Line Manger position. This was a happy time for me because I have been working at Home Depot for two years and after one year of working with them I got promoted to become a Head Cashier/Line Manager.
A Happy Time Going To Work
Diwali is an Indian religious festival that my family and I celebrate. Diwali means the Festival of Lights, where light overtakes darkness, good overweighs evil and knowledge over ignorance. During this time, families would light many Diya’s and display them in and outside of the house. We would wear our Indian wear and also do a prayer for blessings and good fortune. My grandma would sometimes take me and my cousins to church for this holiday. It is a really nice holiday to enjoy with the family.
My Parents
My parents are my support system and my backbone. I have a very difficult relationship with them, but I definitely do love them. They both sacrificed so much for me and my brother. My mom was away from me and my brother for 10 years and my dad had to raise us on his own without my mother. It was very hard for him, and I appreciate everything he did for us while my mom was away. When she was able to be with us again, we finally became one family where we could talk and communicate with each other.
My Brother
My brother and I are inseparable. He is my best friend, and I can talk to him about everything. Sometimes he would irritate me, and I would get mad at him, but I can never stay mad at him. After we fight, either on of us would make a joke or do a funny act to break away our anger, and that is usually how we are. Even our parents can’t come between us. If my mom asked me where my brother was, I would respond with “I don’t know” even though I know where he is. I would tell them to call him and ask him what he is doing and where he is, but I won’t be giving them information about him. The same goes for my brother, we have each other backs.
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6325216 - Naveen Sahu - (Лицензия Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed
767995 - Nikita Khandelwal - (Лицензия Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed
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