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The Princesses adventure to find ATP

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The Princesses adventure to find ATP
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Текст Раскадровки

  • Hi!! My name is Athena and this my friend. Today we are going to go on an adventure. But what adventure should we go on Bear?
  • Hi!! My name is Bear. Lets's go on an adventure to find ATP.
  • Hey, let's eat an apple so then our bodies can create glucose.
  • This step is called Glycolysis. It is the first step of a process called Cellular Respiration.
  • Glucose is a sugar that is made by the food you eat.  After created it is then split into 6 carbon. Which then create 2 Pyruvate, 2 ATP, and 2 NADH.
  • The Pyruvate's from Glycolysis come and change. Pyruvate+ COA = ACETYL - COA. CO2 is created from splitting Pyruvates.
  • This step is called the Krebs Cycle. It is the second step in Cellular Respiration.
  • ACETY-COA+OAA= Citric Acid(C6). The OAA regenerates. The cycle happens twice. This reproduces 2ATP, 8NADH, 2FADH2. 
  • This is the last Stage to find ATP. This Stage is called Electron Transport Chain. 
  • Hey this is Kind of like the Electron Transport Chain.
  • Hey!! Your right. 
  • It takes water, FADH2, and NADH split. Hydrogen ions build up, and Electrons
  • If this is the Electron Transport Chain than ATP should be right ahead.
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