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Brother Polycarp and the Educator

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Brother Polycarp and the Educator
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  • One of the fundamental concerns of Brother Polycarp was the Christian instruction of children, particularly the poorest.- to orientate them toward God. He want assure their progress in virtue
  •  “All their conduct must be for their pupils a model of piety, modesty, and silence, speaking to them as seldom and as briefly as possible, always with seriousness about useful and necessary things”
  • The education was centered on a moral and religious formation. Faith and culture were two essential values.
  • Chapter XVICorrection of pupils. To avoid establishing a strained climate, punishments must be rare and useful for the pupils progress….acting always with moderation and without any impulse of anger
  • The Rules, drafted by Brother Polycarp in 1843, it was the fundamental document for understanding his religious and pedagogical conception in the domain of education.In the first article of chapter XV of his Rules, Brother Polycarp speaks of teaching without fees.
  • “The end of our congregation is the religious and moral instruction of youth”, “discipline contributes powerfully to the success of schoolwork” “eloquent actions were even more persuasive than eloquent words.”
  • In the fourth article of his Rules “You will have the highest esteem for your vocation; “prayer, vigilance, good example, instructions given at the level of the pupils”activity of teaching as a mission received from God
  • All their conduct must be for their pupils a model of piety, modesty, and silence, always with seriousness about useful and necessary things
  • He had an excellent way of relating to young people his pupils loved to give him tokens of respect, esteem, and trust”“He was happy to obtain for the children the benefits of moral and religious education.”
  • A good educator must be convinced of the greatness of his apostolate to be able to transmit the human and Christian valuesBrother Polycarp recommended vigilance and kindness to the brothers as the appropriate means to accomplish their task as educators he reminded them also that their work with children and adolescents must be “supported by the help of God’s grace“He was happy to obtain for the children the benefits of moral and religious education.”
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