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martin luther

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martin luther
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  • 1. Martin Luther was born on the 10 November 1483.He lived in Eisleben country of Mansfield holy roman empire, and his education came from the university of Erfurt
  • He was a active reformer in Wittenberg saxony where he wrote his nighty five theses on the power and efficacy of indulgences to the arch bishop of Mainz Martin Luther was active as a reformer in 1517in Wittenberg saxony where he sent his nighty five theses to the church.
  • 1 Martin Luther’s three main ideas where salvation of faith alone and the bible is the only authority and the priesthood of all believers. He was against the clergy selling indulgences promised remissionsroms punishment of sins 
  • Martin Luther was a German monk who forever changed Christianity. When he nailed his 95 theses to the church door in 1517, sparking the protestant reformation
  • Luther believed that salivation could be achieved through faith alone. The church responded by labelling Luther as a heretic, forbidding the reading or publication of his 95 theses, and threatening Luther with excommunication. Luther refused to recant his believes 
  • the catholic church doing the counter reformationWhich after the counter reformation it changed the churches views and then the rules of the church changed and after along time it became what it is todayThe church eventually listened to MartinLuther’s 95 these and took them on board
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