In the beginning, before time existed, the earth goddess Gaia lived in a raging chaos.
Over time, the fire of Muspellheim started to melt the mountains of Niflheim. From these icy mountains, a creature was born. This was the giant Ymir who continued to sleep but the heat of Muspellheim made him sweat. This perspiration sprouted the first living creatures.
Interesting... that sounds similar to the great emptiness of Ginnungagap which separated the fiery Muspellheim and the icy Niflheim in the beginning of time.
How did the sweat of a giant create the first living creatures? That doesn't make a lot of sense now does it.
Ok, thank you for clearing that up.
Ymir had girl and boy "undergarment parts" so these creatures were conceived asexually within his body. Then, they sprang from his sweat and legs.
Yer welcome
Anyway, Gaia mothered Uranus, the sky, and they became husband and wife. Over time, they bore many children, but many came out as terrible, ugly monsters. Uranus feared these creatures so he hid them deep in the earth. This caused Gaia great pain because she loved her children. She grew angry and plotted to destroy her husband.
That's very dramatic; I like that. However, if Gaia is the earth goddess, why didn't she just get her children out of the Earth and put Uranus in it?
Well, Uranus is the personification of the sky; he's not mortal so he can't simply be put in the Earth. Also, he buried their children deep in the Earth so Gaia wouldn't even know where to look.
Ok, thank you for clearing that up. You can continue.
Well, eventually, Gaia gave birth to many gods and goddesses who were not monsters including Kronos, who was strong enough to overthrow Uranus. Gaia made him a sickle constructed from the thickest rock she knew and gave it to her son with instructions. One night, Kronos hid in his mother's shadow and when Uranus came to Earth and started to rest, Kronos quickly killed his father in one stroke.
I'm glad you like it. Of course, you may continue with your story.
That is so violent, sneaky, and smooth. I love it! If I could just interject with my story for a while...
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