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Causes of the Revolution

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Causes of the Revolution
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  • Stamp Act
  • We will NOT PAY TAXES!
  • Quartering Act
  • Townshed Act
  • What are you doing?! You can't just come and search my stuff without a warrant.
  • The British government taxed the Americans' important papers. The Americans protested with riots, and burning newspapers.
  • Boston Masacre
  • The British government passed a law that said that the colonist had to allow British soldiers to live in their houses. They would also have to provide care for them.
  • Boston Tea Party
  • The British government taxed the items paint, tea, lead, paper, glass. They also said that the British can search boats and houses without a warrant.
  • Coercive/Intolerable Act
  • British shot and killed 5 people in Boston on March 5, 1770. There was a large crowd of colonists threatening the British soldier, after panicking or being hit they shot into the crowd.
  • The people in Boston were angry about the tea being taxed so they went onto the ships and dumped the British's tea into the sea.
  • TEA
  • TEA
  • TEA
  • TEA
  • TEA
  • The British punish the colonists for the Boston Tea party. They don't let ships in other than the British ships so the colonists have to depend on them. They also take away the Massachusetts government and destroy all courts in Boston. They also destroy the businesses in Boston.
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