The Second Amendment is out strongest argument against gun control.
Alright team, we need strong argument to win this debate.
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Gun ControlArgument 1The second Amendment
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We can open with the statement that the right of individuals to keep and bear arms is fundamental to American liberty and should be upheld.
You can quote the Constitution... the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Gun ControlArgument 1The second Amendment
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Gun ControlArgument 1The second Amendment
The protection argument will appeal to most people and debate judges. We can say having a gun is crucial for personal safety.
That's good!
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I like that!
Gun ControlArgument 1The second AmendmentPersonal Safety
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Really? Are there any supporting claims for that?
Gun ControlArgument 1The second AmendmentPersonal Safety
The crime prevention could be another strong argument.
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Gun ControlArgument 1The second AmendmentPersonal SafetyCrime Prevention
The idea is that criminals are not likely to target houses where the owners might be armed.
I can pull up some data to support that. We might use it for rebuttal.
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I think you are taking it too far, Matt. You're making it sound like American culture is just about guns and freedom. And besides, I've never even held a gun.
Gun ControlArgument 1The second AmendmentPersonal SafetyCrime Prevention
We can wrap it up with how the right to bear arms is integral to American identity and culture.
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I don't want to do anything with weapons of any kind...
Gun ControlArgument 1The second AmendmentPersonal SafetyCrime Prevention
So... how did it feel?
Well, I didn't feel particularly empowered or protected, and I never really bothered to learn how to shoot.
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Alright, let's cycle back to the debate. I pulled some stats for the gun ownership rate vs. violent crime rate.
Gun ControlArgument 1The second AmendmentPersonal SafetyCrime Prevention
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The states with the high gun ownership rates have the highest gun related crimes per capita. Montana has the highest with 66.3%, followed by Wyoming with 66.2%, and Alaska with 64.5%.
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Gun ControlArgument 1The second AmendmentPersonal SafetyCrime Prevention
Hey, Matt, you've been quiet.
Sorry... Can't we just say that strict gun control law won't help to reduce crime rates in general?
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It's still good to know, so we'll be prepared if the Westwood team hits us with same stats.
Gun ControlArgument 1The second AmendmentPersonal SafetyCrime Prevention
I guess we won't be able to use the "crime prevention" argument after all.
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Attention students and teachers, this is Principal Quinn.We are currently experiencing an emergency situation. Teachers, immediately lock your classrooms. Keep students away from the windows.
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Gun ControlArgument 1The second AmendmentPersonal SafetyCrime Prevention
I think we should follow instructions and lock the door.
Um, I'm pretty sure this is just a drill.
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Find a place to hide,Turn off the lights and silence your phones.It is not a drill!I repeat, this is not a drill!
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Help is on the way. Stay quiet, stay hidden. Do not leave your hidingplace until the police escort you out of the room.
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Gun ControlArgument 1The second AmendmentPersonal Safety
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