Romulus and Remus were the children of Rhea Silvia and Mars, god of war. Rhea Silvia's father, Numitor, was exiled, and her uncle Amulius became king. Amulius forbid her from having children because he thought her sons would grow up to kill him, so when he found out Mars has impregnated her, he demanded that the babies were placed in a river to die.
Amulius's plan failed, and the twins washed ashore, where a she-wolf suckled them.
A shepherd called Fastulus stumbled upon the twins and brought them up as his own sons.
When the twins were older, they set off to find Numitor, and they cried tears of joy when they were united. They then made plans to kill Amulius and regain the throne.
Now we need to take revenge on Amulius for stealing the throne!
I can't believe we're reunited again!
After killing Amulius, the twins had to decide who was to be king of the new city. They decided to look for a sign from the gods. They climbed a hill, and Remus saw six eagles first, but Romulus saw twelve eagles shortly after. They eventually agreed that Romulus was to be king.
I win! I saw more eagles!
But I saw them first..
Romulus was furious with Remus for insulting his walls, so he killed his brother, and vowed to do the same to anyone else who crossed his walls.
Welcome toRome
These walls are so short!
I'll kill you and everyone else who crosses my walls!