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Fille du Roi Comic Strip

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Fille du Roi Comic Strip
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Текст Раскадровки

  • In the morning
  • Well, hurry up then!
  • It is about time you woke up. Me and the children are all hungry.
  • I am so sorry, darling.
  • During breakfast.....
  • I know dears. I am cooking right now.
  • Mommy, we're hungry!
  • Well, at least breakfast is ready. After, you better go milk the cow. Oh, and some clothes need to be made. Mine are in ruins! Thank you!
  • Yes, darling. 
  • After breakfast...
  • Alright. Let's milk you now, cow. 
  • Afternoon
  • My dear Ronan would like this shirt. He loves yellow.
  • Yes, dear, I am pregnant. Hold on.. Shouldn't you be in the farm??
  • Mom, dad said you're pregnant!
  • Nightime
  • So, you did everything I said and then some?
  • Yes, precisely. I shall be away for a long time. But you'll manage, I'm sure.
  • Yes, darling. Everything you said. Say, you're preparing for another one of your trips tomorrow aren't you?
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