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religion comic script

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religion comic script
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Текст Раскадровки

  • Hey mom, can I go out with some friends?
  • Not tonight honey, you went out last night and I would like you home
  • WHAT? You never let me do anything and I wanna go out with my friends!
  • Im sorry sweetie, but tonight we are eating dinner as a family and you went out last night
  • Sweetie you are not being nice just because you aren't getting your way. If you want me to show you respect, you have to show it too. 
  • I HATE YOU! I wish you were like other moms
  • Aliyah had been asked by her friends to hangout for the third time this week. So she asked her mom if she could go...
  • I feel so bad for yelling at my mom, she treated me nice the whole time
  • Aliyah's mom had said no to going out, so Aliyah got mad!
  • Im sorry for yelling at you mom, I just wanted to go out with my friends
  • Thats okay sweetie! Sometimes when we dont get our way we get mad, but we have to control our anger
  • Instead of communicating in a positive manner, Aliyah took her anger out on her mother and was very rude towards her.
  • Always remember what I taught you, treat others the way you would always want to be treated. 
  • I will always remember! Thank you for understanding and treating me the way you want me to treat you!
  • After Aliyah walked away from the conversation, she felt guilt and a void in the pit of her stomach...
  • Aliyah apologized to her mom Maddie, and she was ultimately very understanding like she has been throughout this conversation.
  • Maddie reminded Aliyah of an extremely valuable lesson that she can use whenever she is found in these frustrating situations!
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