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netiquette comic strip

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netiquette comic strip
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  • 3:46 am
  • Wednesday 3/21/2023
  • Marcus
  • Your post is so ugly. No one will like it
  • Rae
  • 3:48 pm
  • Your message is insulting, that's not a proper netiquette
  • 3:46 pm
  • M
  • Whoa, No! Netiquette—what is it, exactly? I should definitely apologize.
  • Rae
  • That's fine, Marcus.Allow me to educate you on proper netiquette so that you won't repeat the mistake.
  • Marcus
  • Rae i sincerely apologize for not stopping to consider my words before typing. I ought to have taken those feelings into account.
  • When practicing netiquette, one thing to keep in mind is the factor of humanbeings. Communicating to a real person on the other screen is what you are doing.
  • That isn't how I thought about it. In conversation via the internet is so simple.
  • Respecting people's privacy is also required. as well as consent to write about them on social media. Avoid being a cyberbully.
  • I think i'm getting it now!
  • To make sure you know what you're saying, another tip is to confirm the facts before posting.
  • After a week of their discussion, marcus and rae are now getting along with each other
  • No worries, marcus
  • Thank you for explaining me the proper netiqutte, rae
  • Now i know how to use it properly
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