Unemployment is a stressor event that affects the functioning and homeostasis of the entire family system. The sources of stress are a function of the material scarcity brought on by financial loss, the unemployed family member's loss of the breadwinner role, and the family unit's loss of status.
Reaching out to family
Family members are often the best choice for helping you with an unexpected expense. Asking will always feel a little awkward, but to make it easier, be honest about why you need the money. Sit down and have a serious discussion with your family about how much money you'll need and how you'll pay it back.
Moving into a more affordable house
Changing schools
School transitions can effect children by bringing negative changes that include increased distress, low self-esteem, worries, decrease in academic performance and social difficulties.
social isolation
People in poverty experience a greater risk of a downward spiral that will eventually impair their mental health, unemployed people are at a higher risk of being poor and stigmatized and are therefore also at higher risk of being socially isolated.