Arthur's birth father Uther Pendragon, dies from an illness so a powerful sorcerer Merlin takes Arthur and gives him to a trusted Lord of Camelot, Sir Ector and acts as Arthur's foster father.
Oneday, a great and beautiful sword magically appears, setfirmly in a stone. Arthur recalls seeingthe sword in the stone and runs to retrieve it for his adoptivebrother. When Ector realizes what sword Arthur is carrying, hereveals to Arthur that his real father was Uther Pendragon andthat Arthur is the rightful heir to the throne.
Arthur meets and immediately falls in love with a princess, Guinevere. They get married and adopt a child and call him Mordred. Thoughthey did not know it, Mordred was the son ofArthur. Lancelot arrived in Camelot and earned his placeat the round table
Another tale is of Lancelot being enchanted by a maiden,Elaine. She falls madly in love with him, but he is in lovewith Guinevere. He is poisoned with a love potion. But upon his return, Lancelot and Guineverebegin an affair.
Morgana, tells Mordredthat Arthur is his father and thatMordred is heir to Camelot. As Morganapoisons his mind against his father,Mordred begins to conjure up ways todestroy Arthur and claim the throne forhimself.
Mordred is able to prove that Lancelot andGuinevere are having an affair, which breaksArthur’s heart. Merlin was correctGuinevere is sentenced to burn atthe stake, but saved by Lancelot. Mordred andArthur wind up in a vicious battle, and thoughArthur succeeds at killing Mordred and foilingMorgana’s plan, he is mortally wounded. Soends the fairy-tale existence of Camelot,Arthur, and his Knights of the Round Table. in hisprediction.
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