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  • I wish I would have listened to my mother whenever she told me how important water is. Without it, I am completely dehydrated which is such a terrible thing. It keeps your body clean, and it's the most important nutrient.
  • I have been really tired, I've been feeling really weak, and I've been getting sick a lot.
  • You need to start eating things with more minerals. If you can't take all of them, you could take some supplements. These are what make your body work properly.
  • So what are you in here for?.......
  • I ate the wrong kind of lipid. Apparently we aren't allowed to make choices anymore. I was asked to choose between a chocolate bar and nuts. I clearly chose the chocolate bar and an undercover detective came after me. What about you?
  • Mommy, I'm really hungry c-can I have and apple?
  • If your really hungry, an apple wont give you enough carbs, that bird would be a better choice. It will give you more energy.
  • Mamma, whats in that orange bottle?
  • Well honey, those are my vitamins. They are really good for me and the baby. When you turn five, you will start taking them too. They insure and help the things in our bodies work smoothly.
  • Whoa bro, how are you lifting so heavy?
  • That's because I eat a lot of protein. You see, every cell contains protein. Along with that protein promotes growth, so if want to grow the amount of muscle in my arms, I eat a lot of protein. 
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