John wants to visit the White House with his mother. His mother says he can only be there for 1 hour because they have plants later on in the day. Johns mother trusts him to set a 1 hour timer, but John is not back for the next 3 hours. Will John’s mother trust him after this?
Горка: 2
George Washington wants to go to the swimming pool with Samuel Adams. Samuel’s father said that he can only be at the swimming pool for 90 minutes because he has football practice right after. After the 90 minutes are up, Samuel says he has to go but Washington keeps pressuring him to stay. Samuel doesn’t know what to say so he just stays for another hour. What do you think his father trust him after this?
Горка: 3
Billy and John want to skip school but Skelobro wants to stay because he doesn’t want to get in trouble. Eventually, Billy and John peer pressure Skelebro to come with them to skip. Skelebro feels really guilty about this. When Skelebro gets home, his parents get a call from the school. What do you think Skelebro’s parents with think about this.
Горка: 0
George Washington wants to go to the swimming pool with Samuel Adams. Samuel’s father said that he can only be at the swimming pool for 90 minutes because he has football practice right after. After the 90 minutes are up, Samuel says he has to go but Washington keeps pressuring him to stay.