Progressivism reform was for white men only. Mass march demanding woman suffrage coincided with Wilson's inauguration, renewal of Chinese Exclusion Act, Poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfathering.
Government Reforms
Wilson's Reforms, lowered the tariff, moderate federal income tax, federal reserve act of 1913, clayton antitrust act, federal trade commission.
In 1919 the 18th amendment was passed, which prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors. Later Congress passed the Volstead Act, which provided the enforcement of the 18th amendment.
Muckrakers were investigative journalists that exposed social injustices, corporate and political wrong doing.
I'm going to write about this and expose all their wrong doings.
The Jungle is a book that was wrote about the meat packing industry. It led to the passage of the pure food and drug act, and the meat inspection act.
We will sell it anyways, no one will know that the food was adulterated.