George Washington's army set up camp outside of Philadelphia after the British recently conquered the city. the cold temperatures was miserable, and disease like small pox was spreading around.
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George Washington's Quarters
washingtons house was much nicer than the mass-produced log cabins that were given to the soldiers. his souse was mad of stone, had 2 stories, and had a large office for him to work.
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Soldiers Quarters
the soldiers lived in medium sized log cabins with two windows, and a fireplace. they made around 2,000 of these with the wood from nearby forests.
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Problems Faced by the Soldiers #1
the soldiers were faced with many challenges. some of the biggest problems they faced was disease and food supply issues. small pox, the flu, and typhus was spreading around the whole camp and killed close to half of the soldiers. they also ran out of most food supplies, so they replied off of fire cake, which is water and flower boiled.
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Problems Faced by the Soldiers #2
one of the other main problems was temperature. the temperature was extremely harsh on the soldiers. some of the soldiers were half naked, unable to get new uniforms. generals set off to get supplies, and they came back with enough food to last them for a while.
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Training with Baron Fredrick von Steuben
von Steuben was a general staff member in Peru. he was recruited by Benjamin Franklin, and accepted by Washington. he was assigned to make a training course for the soldiers. the men were taught basic soldiering. ban steauben also moved things like kitchens around the camps to make each end of the cam as equal and powerful.