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english project
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  • By: Logan WoolcockBlock 6
  • Shooting an ElephantAuthor: George Orwell
  • Exposition
  • A sub-divisional police officer from Moulmein is disliked and targeted by the Burman people for being a police officer.
  • Rising Action
  • Orwell is ordered to deal with an elephant that has just killed a man. He goes with his rifle with the intent to scare off the elephant, but when that does not work he has to handle the situation differently.
  • As the people around gathered he felt more and more pressured to shoot the animal. He doesn’t see the need to kill it, but takes the shot anyway to not look like a coward.
  • Climax
  • After shooting the elephant it did not die. He shot it multiple times more in hope of a quicker death. Eventually Orwell walks away in guilt as the Burmans strip the dead animal to the bones.
  • Falling Action
  • Resolution
  • The owner of the elephant is furious, but was of lower power so he couldn’t do much about the situation. In conclusion Orwell did not want to kill the elephant, but did so to not look like a fool.
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