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Текст Раскадровки

  • After the plane crashes Ralph (red shirt) and Piggy (grey shirt) having a conversation
  • “He must have flown off after he dropped us. He couldn’t land here .Not in a place with wheels. ”“We was attacked!” “He’ll be back all right.”
  • “When we was coming down I looked through one of them windows. I saw the other part of the plane. There were flames coming out of it.”
  • What’s that?
  • This shows when Piggy and Ralph finds the conch shell
  • “No. A shell
  • “How did your friend blow the conch?”
  • Piggy shows Ralph how to blow the conch
  • He kind of spat
  • “That was what you meant, didn’t you? That’s why you got the conch out of the water?”
  • “Ralph!”“We can use this to call the others. Have a meeting. They’ll come when they hear us—“That was what you meant, didn’t you?
  • The beginning of the meeting between all of the people on the island
  • “No. We’re having a meeting. Come and join in.”
  • “Choir! Stand still!”
  • Lets have a vote
  • yes for chief
  • In this scene everybody decided to vote for a chief and ralph was selected as as chief he beat Jack
  • “I’m chief then.”
  • Who wants Jack for chief?”
  • “Let him be chief with the trumpet-thing.”
  • “Who wants me?”
  • Ralph Ralph
  • “I was choosing a place,“I was just waiting for a moment to decide where to stab him.””
  • In this scene Ralph (blue shirt) attempted to kill a pig but he couldn't bring himself to do it so he came up with the excuse that he was trying to find a place
  • I was going to,”“I was choosing a place. Next time—!
  • You should stick a pig,”“They always talk about sticking a pig
  • “ You cut a pig’s throat to let the blood out,” said Jack, “otherwise you can’t eat the meat. ”“Why didn’t you—?”.
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