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No Drugs

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No Drugs
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  • Hey Sally! Long time no see! I am so exited to go to school wiht you!
  • oh yeah. sounds fun predha.
  • Hey are you okay? You do seem fine. Here give me a hug.
  • OMG! Are you doing drugs? I can smell it when I huged you Sally!
  • *sigh* yes
  • there was too much stress and my anxiaty was getting worse. some of my friends suggested it and it really helped me.
  • NO! If you feel stessed or anxious, come to me. I will always be there to support you. do you know that there ar over 70,000 drug overdose deaths per year?
  • Just always come to me or a trsuted adult for help. Don't unintentionaly hurt yourself
  • okay, thank you predha!
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