The story of Elijah starts when King Ahab and his wife Jezebel and all of their people worshiped the fake idol Baal and denied justice to the poor.
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The story
Elijah asked the King and his wife to a challenge to see who the real true God is.
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The story
On top of a hill, they set up two alters and put dead bulls on them. The King had gathered his prophets and they all started to shout and chant for their false idol Baal to light it up but it never happened. Elijah then prayed and God instantly lit his alter.
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Why Elijah is remembered
Elijah is remembered in the Jewish scripture because he was brave enough to go against everyone to stand up for God and his bravery saved them all
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What Elijah tells us about God
Elijahs story tells people aboutwhat God is like because it shows that if you keep faithful you can do anything
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What we can learn from Elijah
Elijah made it so that instead of believing in Baal who was bad we believe in God. He taught us to stand up to what is wrong and to be strong.