If we live through this we will end racial discrimination
Double V Campaign
Little Rock School Crisis
African Americans don't belong in a white school.
My children will no longer attend this school.
Freedom Riders
We will not leave until segregated seating is outlawed.
African American fought in world war 2 too end racial discrimination and achieved victory.
March On Washington
We want equal rights,We want equal rights,
A group of nine African American students enrolled in a white school.
Million Man March
Were people too, Black lives matter.
Segregated seating was illegal on interstate buses so the Freedom Riders rode interstate buses into the segregated southern US to challenge the non-enforcement of the United States Supreme Court.
Barack Obama Campaign
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This was one of the largest political rallies in history, Martin Luther King jr. also gave his famous I have a dream speech.
It promoted unity against economic and social issues affecting African Americans.
Barack Obama became the first African American president of the us.