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Ancient India Storybord

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Ancient India Storybord
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  • Hello, Untouchable, we are having a party for the social classes 
  • Oh! Wow I've never had that opportunity I usually work on picking up trash.
  • Hi Sudra, I'm from the Kshatriyas and come here to tell you that you are invited to our party
  • Cool, I was the that was chosen, that's CRAZY I hope it's going to be fun.
  • Hello, Vaisyas you have invited to first annual party for all the social class members, you are the only Vaisyas invited.
  • Whoa me, I'm in shock I can finally take a break from all this farming, this is great.
  • Hi, Hindu guru we would like to appreciate you teaching kids Hinduism. So, with that you are invited our social class party.
  • Really! I was never expecting this when I'm a Hindu guru. This is exciting.
  • Hello, Buddhist you are invited to our first annual all social class party.
  • OMG. Thank you as a Buddhist i would never dream of meeting a Kshatriyas
  • Hello, everyone welcome to the first annual, social class party. We are going to have fun! 
  • Ya!!! This is a bless to have this happen to us. We will all thank you after this.
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