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Gender Terminology

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatSEXGENDERCISGENDER GENDERQUESTIONING TRANSGENDERNONBINARY TRANSSEXUALGENDERFLUID Sexissomeone'sassignedclassificationatbirthbasedonbiology,externalfeatures,hormones,andchromosomalstatus.Forsome,theassignedsexdoesnotmatchwithaperson'sgenderidentity,leadingtoquestioning. Genderreferstosociallyconstructed rolesofexpression.Examplesincludenorms,culture,andsocietal expectations. Cisgenderiswhensomeone'sgenderidentityalignswiththeirsexassignedatbirth. Genderquestioningiswhensomeoneis processing,exploring,orquestioninghowtheyexpresstheirgenderidentity.Transgenderisanumbrellatermreferringtoindividualswhodonotidentifywiththegendertheywereassignedtoatbirth.Nonbinary iswhensomeone's genderidentityfallsoutsideofthetraditionalgenderbinaryofmaleandfemale.Sometimespeoplemaydescribethemselveswithnogenderormorethanonegender.Transsexualisatermreferringtoindividualswhohavetransitionedfromonegendertoanother.Thisisusuallydonelegally,medically,orwithhormonal supplements.Genderfluidisatermusedwhensomeone’sgenderidentitymaychangeorshiftovertime orinvarious situations.?Mr.Ms.
Gender Terminology
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Gen și Sexualitate

Sexul și Sexualitatea

Planuri de Lecție de Patrick Healey

Sexualitatea umană este un subiect nuanțat și studenților li se pot prezenta informații contradictorii. Adolescenții de astăzi își doresc să vorbească despre acest subiect, iar rolul profesorului este de a facilita discuția într-o manieră educativă și progresivă.


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Gender Terminology to teach students about gender & sexuality in the classroom

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  • SEX
  • ?
  • Sex is someone's assigned classification at birth based on biology, external features, hormones, and chromosomal status. For some, the assigned sex does not match with a person's gender identity, leading to questioning.
  • Gender refers to socially constructed roles of expression. Examples include norms, culture, and societal expectations.
  • Cisgender is when someone's gender identity aligns with their sex assigned at birth.
  • Mr. Ms.
  • Gender questioning is when someone is processing, exploring, or questioning how they express their gender identity.
  • Transgender is an umbrella term referring to individuals who do not identify with the gender they were assigned to at birth.
  • Nonbinary is when someone's gender identity falls outside of the traditional gender binary of male and female. Sometimes people may describe themselves with no gender or more than one gender.
  • Transsexual is a term referring to individuals who have transitioned from one gender to another. This is usually done legally, medically, or with hormonal supplements.
  • Gender fluid is a term used when someone’s gender identity may change or shift over time or in various situations.
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