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Critical Thinking Skills Graphic Organizer

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Critical Thinking Skills Graphic Organizer
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Abilități de Gândire Critică Pentru Studenți

Dezvoltarea Abilităților de Gândire Critică

de Lauren Ayube

Gândirea critică este procesul activ de culegere și analiză a informațiilor pentru a forma o opinie sau o judecată . Nu se limitează la o anumită materie sau nivel de clasă, ci mai degrabă capacitatea generală de a gândi într-un mod clar și rațional.


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Storyboard Descriere

Developing Critical Thinking Skills in students is key. The most important ones are analysis, communication, creativity, open-mindedness, and problem solving.

Storyboard Text

  • Analysis
  • Interpret
  • Research
  • Ask Questions
  • Notice Patterns
  • Communication
  • Actively Listen
  • Present
  • Explain
  • Creativity
  • Infer
  • Make Connections
  • Imagine
  • Predict
  • Be Curious
  • Diversity
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Objectivity
  • Inclusivity
  • Fairness
  • Problem Solving
  • Pay Attention to Detail
  • Make Decisions
  • Clarify
  • Evaluate
  • An important part of critical thinking is examining and analyzing something. This could include written text, actual data, or a problem that is presented.
  • Oftentimes students will share their thoughts and conclusions with a group or a partner, and have to collaborate in some way. Being able to work with others and communicate effectively is a key element to critical thinking.
  • Another important skill for a critical thinker is innovation and creativity; not being afraid to think out of the box, try something different, and approach things from all angles is key.
  • A critical thinker is someone who is able to think without judgement, bias, or assumption. It is important to simply pay attention to the information itself and draw conclusions with a clear mind.
  • Perhaps the most important skill of a critical thinker is the ability to solve problems. Problem solving includes understanding the problem, coming up with and implementing a solution, and assessing the outcome of your plan.
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