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Primjer Točke Gledišta

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Našao sam se u gomili s nekim slutnjama koje su me preplavile. Dok su ulice vrvjele ljudima koji kao da nisu bili svjesni prijeteće opasnosti, znao sam da me nešto promatra. Pratilo me. Dlake na zatiljku su mi se nakostriješile i ukočila sam se. Srce mi je lupalo dok sam stajao na pločniku i promatrao gomilu. Nisam ga mogao vidjeti, ali sam znao da je tu. I ovaj put sam znao da nema spasa.

Todd je utrčao na prepun pločnik i počeo brzo hodati. Nervozno je pogledao uokolo, a oči su mu klizile naprijed-natrag. Disanje mu je postalo plitko i ubrzano, i konačno je stao i pogledao oko sebe. Znao je da ga stvorenje slijedi, ali nije ga mogao točno vidjeti. Zid između njihovih dimenzija bio je tanak, ali ne dovoljno tanak da Todd vidi kroz njega na drugu stranu. Ipak, znao je da nema spasa. Ovaj put će ga stvorenje pronaći i probiti se.

Heather je promatrala čovjeka kako se probija kroz gomilu, nervozno gledajući ovamo-onamo. Činilo se da se znoji, ali u noćnom se zraku osjećala jasna hladnoća. Napokon je stao i nervozno pogledao oko sebe. Osjetila je iznenadnu hladnoću niz leđa: činilo se da osjeća opasnost, ali nije znala što ga progoni.

Primjer Točke Gledišta
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Descriere

Točka gledišta Primjer aktivnosti: Različite vrste pripovijedanja, poput sveznajućeg pripovijedanja treće osobe

Storyboard Text

  • I found myself in the crowd with a sense of foreboding washing over me. While the streets teemed with people who seemed completely unaware of the impending danger, I knew that something was watching me. It was following me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I froze. My heart was pounding as I stood on the sidewalk and surveyed the crowd. I couldn't see it, but I knew it was there. And this time, I knew there was no escape.
  • Todd ran into the crowded sidewalk and began walking rapidly. He glanced nervously around, his eyes sliding back and forth. His breathing grew shallow and rapid, and finally, he stopped and looked around. He knew that the creature was following him, but he couldn't quite see it. The wall between their dimensions was thin, but not thin enough for Todd to see through to the other side. He knew that there was no escape, though. This time, the creature would find him and break through.
  • Heather watched the man angle his way through the crowd, looking this way and that way nervously. He seemed to be sweating, but there was a distinct chill in the night air. Finally, he stopped and looked around him nervously. She felt a sudden chill down her back: he seemed to sense danger, but she didn't know what was chasing him.
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