Haden Edwards gets a land grant from Mexico, however people are already living there making Haden Edwards agitated. He forced the Natives of the area to eaither pay for his land or leave.
This is my land!
Haden Edward's Land Grant
No! It's ours!
Haden Edwards's land grant was canceled, and in reaction, he declares his colony a free independent country under the name Republic of Fredonia
After failing to negotiate with other empresarrios, Haden Edwards and his colony come back to see the Mexican Army awaiting their arrival. They immediately flee to the Sabine River.
We are the Mexican Army!
My contract may have been terminated, but I willl still do something! I declare my colony a free independent country under the name Republic of Fredonia!
Haden Edward's Cancelled Land Grant
The Guerrero Decree which was made by the Mexican Government was supposed to outlaw slavery. However, it soon failed after most Anglo slaver owners protested.
I am a reperesentative for the Mexican Government, and we are going to outlaw slavery.