When the boy just wanted apples from the tree and would climb on the tree and have fun but as each day went by the boy would climb on the tree less and less but now he just wanted apples and the tree just kept giving to make the boy happy the tree was ignoring the warnings that he just wanted more and more
selling apples
The boy becomes a teen and he wants more and more now he wants money to shop and buy stuff so he asks the tree and the tree gives and gives the boy doesn't climb on the tree or even sits by the tree like he used to the boy just takes the apples to sell them and leaves the tree becomes sad for the boy not visiting the tree facies the consequences of the boy not climbing on her and having fun and just wanting stuff from the tree
The tree became lonely and sad because the boy hasn't came by in a long long time
The tree realized that as the boy grew older he wanted more and more bigger things but the tree was still not doing anything about it.
The boy then wanted a boat from the tree so the tree told him to cut me down and build a boat out of my log
The tree became a stump then the boy came back after a long time and the tree said I have nothing left to give, I'm just a stump I have no branches to swing on and no trunk to climb on.