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About Garrett Morgan by Conner Hedgepeth from 5th period

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About Garrett Morgan by Conner Hedgepeth from 5th period
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  • Hello class today I will tell you about a man named Garrett Morgan
  • Garrett Morgan was a African american who was a inventor he was born in kentucky on march 4 1877
  • Mrs Morris what did Garret Morgan invent when he was alive?
  • well James one of his many inventions was the traffic light back in 1923 to have a better and easier way of having signals on where to drive
  • Wait Mrs Morris didnt Garrett make the gas mask? 
  • Well Jessica it was a prototype of it before it was even called a gas mask it was called a "smoke hood" and was used during world war 1 protecting the Soilders from toxic gas.
  • And with that class is dismissed.
  • This was my black history project about Garrett Morgan  and the sources I used was biography.com and storyboardthat.com they bothhelped me a lot with making this.
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