if you give Hitler Sudetenland then he will invade Czechoslovakia
THe first event occurred on March 12,1938 his troops marched into Austrailia unsopposed , the next day germany anncoued they had unionized with austria
if you give Hitler Czechoslovakia then he will sign a non-aggression agreement
on September 30,1938 Germany and Czechoslovakia had held a Munich conference in which was discussing the German annexation of Sudetenland the Munich agreement was signed and it concluded that Sudetenland would be ceded to Germany
if you give hitler a non -aggresion act he will invade poland
on march 15,1939 Nazi Germany had invaded provinces of the Czech of Bohemia and Moravia
if you give Hitler poland great britian and france will delcare war on germany
on august 23,1939 ,germany and the soviet union signed a german soviet non agression act stating both military would take no actiong agaist each other for the next 10 years
on september 1,1939 both nazi germany and the soviet union both invaded poland
on september 3,1939 in response to nazi germany ivasion on poland great britian and france delcared war on germany