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Storyboard That kendi yaratın

Plain Jane's Cafe

Plain Jane's Cafe

Plain Jane's Cafe

Plain Jane's Cafe

Plain Jane's Cafe

What's wrong, Jin? You look worried!

Well, my sister is coming to visit me this weekend.

Oh! That's great!

No! No it isn't! I have spent most of my time studying and working. I don't know what to do in this city!

Really? You can help? Wow, thank you, Maia!

OK, let's go!

I have done lots of stuff in the city! You don't need to be so anxious.

Um, museums and architecture. Maybe I should do this on my own after all.

No problem, Jin! I'd be happy to give you some ideas.

So, what does your sister like? Clubs? Bars? Concerts?

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