The scene starts in pitch black, but it slowly gets lighter, but stops at a point.
Then it sets the scene by giving back story of where sergeant Morris found the monkeys paw, which was in India.
The Conflict
It sets up the scene and the characters for the beginning of the story, with sergeant Morris showing them the paw and what it does. He explains that the wishes comes true but they just seem like coincidence.
Rising Action
I wish to have one million dollars
The rising action is the part where Mr. White gets the paw from sergeant Morris, and wishes to have one million dollars, which begins the main story, after that, sergeant Morris left, but he said that he'll regret that wish.
Knock, Knock
The Climax in the story is after the family wished for their son to be alive again, and this part is where their son is at the door knocking to get in, but Mr. White knows that it isn't he's son
I wish that my son never existed.
Knock, Knock
The Resolution is when Mr. White wished he's son to have never existed which solves the problem, but now they don't have their son back. If they wanted their son back to normal the wish he should've wished for is for everything to go back to normal.
Falling Action
The Falling Action in this story is when their son died after they wished for the one million dollars, which means every wish has your wish, but also something you have to sacrifice.