One day a young man named Icarus and his father, Daedalus became prisoners at Crete Island. They immediately started worrying and freaking out because they didn't know whether they'd get out or not.
Daedalus and Icarus don't know what to do. They have to come up with an idea that will get them across the water they were surrounded by without getting caught.
Falling Action
They came up with the idea of building wings to fly away from the island and claim their freedom. They looked for some wax to melt so that it can be turned into a skeleton for the wings. They then gathered feathers to add to the wings. Then Icarus practiced to fly before he actually took off.
As Icarus was up high in the sky, he got too close to the sun and the wax started to melt. The feathers started to fall off and he started falling towards the sea.
Daedalus quickly dived into the water to save his son. When he got there it was already too late, Icarus had already passed.
When Daedalus pulled his son's body back to shore, he buried him. The island was then given the name Icaria in his memory. The end.